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Image by Jason Leung

Something Beautiful Out Of Me 

Something Beautiful Out of Me 

By Marqueta Plum Jenkins

I used to always ask the question, "Why Me, Lord?"
When I finally got to a place where I could hear Him speak, He answered quietly and gently, "Why not you?"

Have you ever wondered why people go through so much in life? You start asking yourself questions like, What in the world did he or she do to suffer like that? Who in the world did they piss off because they really got it out for them?

Marqueta Plum Jenkins, Leader, author, consultant, speaker, fellow entrepreneur, and veteran, brings to you her tell-all work, Something Beautiful Out of ME, a sincere message of revelation, enlightenment, courage, and hope. Through her trials and tribulations comes a must-read book for anyone looking to find their purpose in life. From her tumultuous childhood, growing up on the streets of Norfolk, Virginia, she shares with you her relationship with God, her time spent in the military, and her learned lessons of breaking family "curses and chains" to reaching the pinnacle of her career.

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$19.99 Paperback
$9.99 Ebook


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